Let's meet at the Pure MI Conference in Traverse City!

Proven hospitality marketing strategies from MPP help organizations like yours sell more drinks, book more rooms, and attract more visitors.

Are you ready?

Hospitality marketing strategies from MPP have increased awareness, occupancy, attendance, sales, and more for dozens of clients.

You’re next.

Let's meet at the Pure MI Conference in Traverse City!

5 + 9 =

hospitality marketing experts suitcase

Michigan Hospitality Marketing

No matter the season, Michigan has it all – from breathtaking shorelines to outdoor adventures, to top-notch dining and world-class entertainment. How do we know? Because we’re Michiganders ourselves. Couple our love and knowledge of Michigan with hospitality marketing strategies as unique as your brand and you’ve got a winning combination.

Attract more visitors, book more tours, get more diners, and increase occupancy with tailor-made digital and traditional hospitality marketing campaigns from MPP.

Let’s meet and chat about your hospitality marketing strategy.

We keep good company. Here’s a selection of brands MPP partners with to build awareness and increase revenue.

hospitality partner logos

Get started with a
quick meeting.

When it comes to hospitality marketing, we’ve got your back. MPP approaches each brand and campaign individually. Our unique, handcrafted plans are designed to deliver repeatable, consistent results and keep your raving fans coming back.

Give us 20 minutes of your time and we’ll determine if your brand and MPP are a good fit.

Hospitality Marketing Solutions

MPP has a full complement of media options available. Rather than suggest the next shiny new thing, our thoughtful approach is driven by data unique to you and could include:

Meet Us In Traverse City

We’ll be at the Pure Michigan Governor’s Conference on Tourism. We’d love to spend time with you and discuss your hospitality marketing needs.

Schedule your time with MPP now. Bookings are filling up fast.

michigan traverse city