Campaign Logistics
Several hours of careful research, planning, and design go into successful advertising campaigns. Efficient and accurate campaign logistics help protect that investment. Campaign logistics includes all the vital technical details of an advertising campaign that can easily be overlooked. Access to platforms and accounts, placement of pixels and tracking codes, reporting access, communication protocols, and of course trafficking your ads into the right platforms and with the right outlets. Logistics start almost immediately and last as long as your campaign is running. Explore some of the aspects of campaign logistics below and learn why they are important to the success of your advertising.

Elements of campaign logistics
- Access: Modern advertising campaigns require that MPP has the right access credentials and permission levels to various platforms and tools. This includes being your Agency of Record (AOR) as well as access to tools like your analytics package, your tag management system, your website or landing page, and social account permissions. For more advanced and complicated campaigns, additional access points to data sources may also be required.
- Tracking: With all the necessary access points, MPP will implement our pixel and tracking code strategy specifically designed for your campaign. A well-planned strategy is important to build and segment audiences to avoid waste in your budget. Some industries are regulated and limit the amount and type of tracking that can be used. We’ve written articles about regulations in Healthcare, Finance, Education, and Cannabis.
- Reporting: Campaign logistics includes onboarding each client into our HelloMPP client portal. Our portal provides 24/7 reporting access that includes digital and traditional media, a complete ordering system, as well as a support ticketing system. During logistics, we make sure your team has the right number of seats and permissions and provide a walk-through of HelloMPP.
- Communication protocols: Our operations team will establish the communication protocols to be used and ensure that everyone has access to the right platforms. Typically this includes a group email that routes to your account management team, as well as any real-time communication platform such as Microsoft Teams or Slack.
- Trafficking: Last but not least in campaign logistics, your campaigns are executed into the platforms and outlets as defined in your media plan. Campaigns are executed, run through a rigorous quality assurance process, and then handed off to the account management team for one final pre-flight check before going live.

Details matter
Even the best laid plans can go awry when the details are glossed over. Effective and accurate campaign logistics put you in market faster and put you in market correctly. They ensure good communication between you and your agency, and provide access to platforms and tools on both the agency and client side. When considering an agency to partner with, remember to ask about how they manage campaign logistics and what their quality assurance process is.
Do you have more questions about campaign logistics? We’re happy to help. Contact us below.