Political Case Study


MPP Political Case Study

Political Case Study: The Challenge

House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) enlisted Media Place Partners to provide campaign strategy and execution in 16 competitive races where additional support was needed. MPP dug in to over two decades of experience in order to complete the task at hand. With a limited budget of $150,000 across 16 races and a short turnaround, all hands were needed on deck.




Political Case Study: The Results

Despite having to stretch the budget 16 separate ways in a short timeframe, Media Place Partners still managed to propel 15 of 16 candidates to victory. With an almost 94% elected rate of the campaigns managed, Media Place Partners exceeded expectations and had a remarkably successful election cycle.


elected rate


Political Advocacy Organization – Presidential Campaign

Goals & results

The client wanted to disrupt and mitigate the effectiveness of competitors’ bus tours during the presidential campaign. MPP flooded the geography of the bus route with the client’s message, making sure it was delivered to key demographics of undecided, swing, and independent voters. To ensure maximum reach, targeting also included mobile and tablet audiences. Due to the nature of the campaign, MPP had a tight window of 1 – 2 days to set up and execute each stop with a custom geographic, voter demographic, and targeting.

million total impressions across 14 tour stops and two candidates

Other Political Races

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Winner – Michigan State Senate Candidate

This campaign connected offline voter data to online users with precision targeting.

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Winner – Former Governor of Michigan

The goals of this campaign were to boost name recognition, voter introduction, and target women voters. MPP reached these groups with a strong pre-roll video strategy.

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Winner – US Senate Member (Nebraska)

This campaign reached diverse affinity groups with relevant focused messaging.

Media Place Partners has been an excellent resource to the Kent GOP for over a decade. Their knowledge of politics and the digital media world is unrivaled.

Charlie Secchia

Former Finance Chair, Kent GOP

Political case study post wrap up

MPP invests in the success of our political clients. Let’s talk about how we can help out your organization.
