Improve Video Advertising with these 5 simple steps

What can you to do improve video advertising for yourself or client? Read on and we’ll tell you.

If a picture is worth 1000 words then certainly a minute of video must be worth… let’s see:

30 pictures in second of video multiplied by 60 seconds of video multiplied by 1000 words = 1.8 Million words!

Ok, ok. I think we can all agree that 1 million words of poorly written fan-fiction is worth a lot less than the collected works of Shakespeare (which amount to a total of 884,647 words). It’s about quality. Words matter, and so does the quality of your video.

Before we get to the steps that will improve video advertising, remember that the suggestions listed here are for video advertising, not long form explainer videos, interviews, etc… Got it? Good. Let’s get down to it. Here’s how to improve video advertising  in 5 simple steps.

Improve video advertising tip #1: Keep your video short.

A typical video advertisement should last no more than 30 seconds. Engagement drops significantly after 30 seconds, even if your video is just over 30 seconds. Aim for 10 – 30 seconds in length. Attention spans are short, so you have to hook your audience right away.

Improve video advertising tip #2: Deliver the goods up front.

You’ve got 10 seconds to engage the viewer or you may lose them. 10 seconds. Avoid intro screens, elaborate logo stings, and “we proudly present” screens. Get right to the point. If there is something you really want viewers to see, put it in one of the first shots.

Improve video advertising tip #3: Always include a call-to-action (CTA).

Give your video viewers a reason to click. Every ad should have a CTA – without one, you’re not giving your audience an incentive to take action. Maybe you simply provide your contact information, or perhaps instead you provide a coupon or special offer code. Whatever it is, it should lead to a special landing page so you can track metrics and leads. Need some CTA inspiration? Our article here goes over 5 easy tips for an effective CTA.

Improve video advertising tip #4: Know your goals.

Make sure your advertising partners do too. Use the best formats, features, and functionality to achieve your goals. If completed views are most important, a shorter video is better, if click through and engagement are paramount, a longer video does the job more effectively. Your video partner should be able to guide you with what works best.

Improve video advertising tip #5: Optimize, optimize, optimize.

When we speak of optimizing, it’s about removing what isn’t working, and duplicating what is. No matter your goal, be sure your advertising partner is optimizing towards it. I can’t stress enough that your digital video advertising partner needs to know and understand your goal completely. Without understanding, you wont get the results you want.

Bonus video advertising tip: KEEP IT REAL.

When optimizing toward a specific goal understand that some metrics be negatively affected. Don’t freak out. Keep your eye on your goal, not extraneous metrics.

There you have it, 5 simple steps you can take to improve your video advertising engagement. Video is an amazing tool that when done properly can really make a positive impact on your business. Discover the different types of video marketing that you can implement in our article here. What have you found increases your engagement rates with video advertising? Let us know in the comments.

Post wrap up

Is video marketing part of your advertising strategy? Let’s talk about it.