Social media advertising for entertainment

Top 5 strategies to boost social media advertising for entertainment venues & cultural attractions


In today’s digital-first world, you can’t afford not to have a social media presence. But long gone are the days of being able to simply claim your profiles and post an update every once in a while. Organic reach is on a steady decline, and social platforms are increasingly pushing businesses towards paid media in order to get seen. So, if you want to get your entertainment venue or cultural attraction in front of potential visitors, you can’t skimp on social media in your marketing plan. Here are our top tips for paid social media advertising for entertainment venues and cultural attractions.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #1: Maintain an organic social presence.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #1: Maintain an organic social presence. 

I know what you’re thinking. We just got done telling you that organic reach is on the decline, and now we’re telling you that you need to spend time on your organic presence? What gives? Simply put, if you’re running ads but don’t have the social profiles to back up those ads, you’re going to lose people because of lack of trust. When someone sees your ad, they’re very likely to click through to your social profiles. If they’re greeted with a ghost town vibe when they arrive, that’s going to raise alarm bells. Is this venue really legit? Is this some kind of scam to get my data? You could be 100% on the up and up, but if you don’t have an active profile, many people will lose trust. You don’t have to post every single day, but make an effort to post consistently. Post things like visitor reviews, tours of your venue, and even things like employee birthdays or appreciation. Figure out how many posts you can realistically manage, make a schedule, and stick to it.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #2: Make sure to have clear calls to action.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #2: Make sure to have clear calls to action.

Once you start running paid campaigns, make sure to set yourself up for success by having clear and compelling calls to action on your creatives. We’ve all seen endless “learn more’s and “click here’s; sometimes, they are a natural fit, but more often than not, there’s another CTA out there that would be more engaging. Think about the action you want people to take. If you’re trying to get people to buy concert tickets, you’re not really asking them to simply “learn more” – instead, try something like “get tickets now” or “see available seats”. Which brings us to the next important strategy:

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #3: Have dedicated landing pages.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #3: Have dedicated landing pages.

You’ve gotten your ad in front of the right people. They’ve clicked through because of your compelling CTA – great! But once they’re on your website, make sure not to leave them hanging. If you dump them off at your website homepage, they’ll be overwhelmed with options, and there’s a very low chance that they’ll take the specific action you want them to take. So, if your ad is promoting a new museum exhibit, they need to be taken to a dedicated page for that exhibit where they can learn more or buy tickets. For more on common landing page mistakes we see, read our article here.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #4: Showcase the experience, not just the promotion.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #4: Showcase the experience, not just the promotion.

Social media has the unique ability of letting your audience feel a closer connection to your venue or attraction – and that extends to paid campaigns, not just organic visits. People want to feel the excitement and energy before they commit to visiting. Use high-quality visuals and engaging videos that capture the unique experience your venue offers. Show people having fun, enjoying the atmosphere, and creating lasting memories. Go beyond simple promotional graphics and focus on storytelling that evokes emotions and motivates action. How do you do that? Simple:

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #5: Utilize unique creative formats.

Social media advertising for entertainment tip #5: Utilize unique creative formats.

Social media platforms are constantly evolving and creating new ways to get your message out there – so take advantage! (Here’s a list of ad types supported by Meta. It’s worth seeing if you spot anything new.) If you’re a theatre hosting touring productions of Broadway musicals, have a performer give potential audience members a peek of the view from the stage in compelling Instagram story ads. If you’re a museum, use an interactive Instant Experience ad to showcase a new exhibit. Think outside the standard static ads and get creative – or better yet, work with an experienced partner who can guide you towards unique ad types you may not have thought of.


In the fast-paced world of social media, standing out among the digital noise can feel like performing on opening night without a spotlight. But with thoughtful paid social media strategies, entertainment venues and cultural attractions can transform fleeting online views into captivated audiences and buzzing box offices. Remember, it’s not just about blasting promotions – it’s about weaving stories, igniting excitement, and forging connections that turn potential visitors into devoted fans. So, go beyond the generic, embrace your unique character, and let your social media presence blossom!

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